Anyone with BCBSIL that got approved fast?
Open RNY May 7
Julie, I have BCBS of IL and followed the process and was still denied. I opted to self pay to get the surgery rather than fight them. When I started the process it was 12 months of dr. visits. It is now 6 months and it seems that they have let up a bit on denials as others have been approved. Keep good records and be sure to have everything in order before you submit.
Good Luck!!!
Dear Julie: When I started with BCBSIL PPO, I was first denied for lack of the 12 month supervised diet. My doctors tried to argue with them, but they would not budge. In month #9, I found that they had changed their criteria to 6 months, I sent in the records from the supervised diet, was approved within a week and had my surgery within 3 weeks.
The answer is that you must get a copy of the criteria, then make sure you meet ALL of them. They WILL approve, but they are very strict about what they want and how they want it.
Feel free to read my long, long story if you wish.
Wishing you nothing but good luck!
Hi Julie - I do not have BCBSIL but wanted to congratulate you on taking the steps to a healthier you. I was born and raised in Indpls. Oh how I miss Indpls, and my family/friends. My hubby and I moved to Chicagoland in April of 2004 so this is what I have to call home. Some days are better then others. Where abouts in Indiana are you at? Take Care, Christina