It's Hump Day - Roll Call
Good Morning Everyone and Happy Wednesday!
Just another day of work for me. Please keep our friend Janet in your prayers as she continues to fight the infection after gall bladder surgery. If Janet is staying over night again at the hospital, I'll visit with her tonight. Lisa had suggested we give her a "card shower" which I think is a lovely idea and will lift her spirits. I have Jantets address if anyone wants to send a card. Just send me a pm and I'll shoot you the address.
I don't know who all saw my post from yesterday but some have shown interest in having a get together. Let's just do it. I think it would be a lot of fun. I feel like I already know you guys so meeting face to face would be the icing on the cake. OHHH.. did I say that? no, no Christina, no cake for you.
Well Ladies / Gents.... What's going on with you?
We've had a lot of exciting news, lots of people getting those approval letters and are just waiting for that big day! YIPPEE!!
Have a great day everyone,
Icing & cake made with Splenda!
Yippee skippee on those approvals. We can all put our thinking caps on regarding a meet and greet in the near future. Kim had mentioned a few days back about the orchard out near her. Some of us from this area could car pool and share the gas cost. We could meet somewhere also near Elgin or on Randall Rd in Carpentersville/LITH (Lake in the Hills), or come a little further east to Woodfield.
Not much on the plate today and night. Hair apt after work and of course work itself. I did get to do a little reading regarding FOIA yesterday and caught up on other work.
Need to run,
Open RNY May 7
Good Morning,
Today I go gor my last pcp's supervised diet. I talked to Maggie yesterday and I am getting sooo excited. Got to jump in the shower and get ready for appt at 9:30, then off to a popcicle party for all the kindergardners and home for nap time. I'll post later to let everyone know how it went.
Revision on 04/19/13
Good Morning Everyone.
I am home today, since I am only working 2 days a wee****il Labor Day. I am going to try to get some housework done, and some extra laundry (towels, blankets ect). DH is home until 1 today, then he will be heading to Pekin to help open a Kroger Fuel Center.
Thursday, I will see Dr. Hart at Alexian Bros. (according to Janet- Dr. Doom), and hope for clearance to do the Lapband. I will be soooo disappointed if he won't clear me.
Somehow this week I got an infection in my left leg. So, I will need to see my pcp again on Friday.
This is how it goes, make one Dr. appointment, and end up with 3 the same week.
We have some filtered sun shining today.
I know that they are prediting rain again, but it is clear for now.
Prayers going out to Janet this morning hope she gets to come home today.
Kim, the popcycle party at your daughters school sounds like fun.

Good morning everyone........Christina could you pm Janets address? forgot to ask you that earlier!
places to meet.......Woodfield? (shopping), Apple Orchard? (eating) Panera Bread? (more eating) But there's a nice one by Dr. Rosens' office!!!! and then theres always Grand Victoria (eating, drinking and gambling which is optional) LOL so there you have ideas.......anyone else? put em out there! Pam
Good morning Illinois!!!
I survived my first shift in the lemonade stand last night. No rain, so business was good. We had a pretty good time. It is fun, but you get kind of caked with sugar and need a hot shower when finished. My shaking tecnique is getting better.....I didn't wear as much of it this year as last. I am sending Todd, David and Olivia out there on Thursday and we will all help Sunday afternoon until the close of the fair at 7:00 pm when we will tear it down.
I know which apple orchard (at least I THINK it is Edward's) you are referring to and it is pretty nice. I have always wanted an excuse to go to Ikea, so Woodfield might work too! Whatever is good for everyone else. If we have to travel in, maybe Pam, Kim and I can car pool.......
Today, I will be here at work, will pick up more lemons and oranges for the stand at lunch, then I get to go home and actually SEE my family.
Gotta get back to work now.......everyone have a lovely day!