GUESS WHAT????????
THANK YOU ALL!! I havent been on alot latley because of getting ready for our fundraiser.
Heres an update. ~ Its hard I cant and wont lie. Some days are ok some are not. more are not ok. Its getting eaiser as far as living without him because its been 2 1/2 months. but its very sad. I can****ch his videos or anything anymore because the shocks wore off and its all real. they upset me. Im still so proud of my son and even now that hes gone. I still have FOUR kids not 3. I will always have 4. Most people are very supportive. ive only had a few that were rude. We still havent gotten the money to buy a headstone or pay off the funeral though. We have raised aprox 4,700 $ in donations which is great but not enough. we have having a raffle and dinner this comming Sunday. So please pray it does well. If it doesnt I wont be able to afford a headstone for Kedan. Ive never had to ask for help from the community before until now. If I don't raise the money I will go door to door asking for a dollar if I have to to get his headstone. Ive decided to go back to school. ive wanted to for a few years but couldnt. not that Kedans gone I will go back starting in Jan. and I will be going to work with other children like him. He is working through me. Im proud of that. Im just trying to get through each day one at a time.