Monday Roll Call
Revision on 04/19/13

After cleaning the house and yard up, over the weekend, we did have a family bbq with about 20 people on yesterday. It was moved inside, due to the nasty rain, but it was great anyway.
Today I am busy here at work.I think the nasty weather brings out the people moret hen when it is nicer.
Only plans for this week is to see Dr. Hart on Thursday. Hope he gives me my clearance. I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed.
Lisa- Dr. Hart has the personality of wet bread. He is very negative and will have you re-thinking your decision to have WLS. Just do what he says and shake him off as soon as you walk out of the office. His staff doesn't even like him. I call him Dr. Doom. The one positive is he doesn't see you in the hospital-he has the bedside manner of an executioner. Stay positive and put a clove of garlic in your purse to ward off his evil mojo.-Good Luck-Janet K
Revision on 04/19/13
Janet, I am not worried about seeing him, Its just aggrevating thats hes the one that is stopping me at this time. But. I will take you up on your suggestion with the garlic
Thanks for the laugh. I needed it.