Monday Roll Call
So glad to see you on the board Lucy! you're much too pretty to be a nun, so forget that! just kiss one of your frogs and then you will have your prince! Praying for that new job you are checking out! And while I'm praying I'll pray you a George Clooney into your life! Is that ok?
Thank God you got rest Chris....I really do get tired just hearing about your plans at times! I'd love to have just a small part of your energy! Janet I am so sorry that you are suffering that infection, hopefully it will be fixed soon! Christina is a cutie isn't she? Hoping you get feeling better too Dee, you throw me off everytime you change your avatar! lol And Amanda first day of brave are you! you get a medal.
Well happy rainey day everyone looks like it's going to be that way all week!

Good afternoon IL~
Just thought I would say hi.....not to much going on! I like it that way!!!!! I hope everyone is having a good day. DH is out w/ Maddie and spending time together before she starts school on Thur. I have chicken and dumplens in the crock pot for dinner. My parents are coming over tonight for din-din...they just got back from Myrtle Beach. Have a good one and remember it dosn't cost anything to smile and say a nice "hello"!!!!!
Love ya,