I'll be submitting next month need help w/paperwork please!
I have a form form a fellow OH member that she used to keep track of 6 month diet.I want to know since i didn't have the form before how should i go about geting the info on the form? When i go on thursday shoul I ask for a copy of my file and take it home and transfer the doc notes onto the form? will they give me a copy on the file?I want to have it anyway in case ins. needs something. Also should i have kept a food diary? My diet was pretty cut and dry. minimize carbs and snacking and taking phentermine.I have BCBS of IL. any help to the ?'s is appreciated.Also should I write a leter w/my initial submission?
Open RNY May 7
For my 6 month diet I had a form to fill out each month as to my weight, how much lost or gained,what diet I was on, any meds, any contributing health issues, what exercise I did and BP. etc. I had to have one for each of the 6 months and the supervising Dr. had to sign it. I wasn't asked to keep a food diary. The surgical center you are using should send any letters along with your medical records and the diet forms and possibly a psych eval. BCBS of IL are sticklers for paperwork and will deny you for the least little thing and other people they approve on the first try. It took me 16 months to satisfy the Gods of BCBS and I have a list of co-morbidities that frighten ER docs. Ask the insurance girl at your surgeon's office for help and I'm sure they will oblige. Good luck and be persistent. I'll keep you in my prayers.-Janet K