Roll Call - Thursday!
Open RNY May 7

Good Morning Illinois! Dee, good to see you up and posting, I hope you are feeling better. My home computer is still down so I post when I can here at work.
My young neighbors had their baby boy on Monday and they came home yesterday. I made them dinner and will probably do so again this evening. He is SO cute! David's football practices have gone from 2-a-day to once, in the morning. Tomorrow, they have their first scrimmage and he also has to play in the band---that should be interesting..... Saturday, Todd and I are going to an annual party some friends of ours throw. They have food, games, swimming and 3 bands. We always pitch a tent and spend the night. It is always a good time, but will be even better this year as I will not be embarrassed to be seen. Sleeping in the tent should not be so uncomfortable either! Olivia is going to a Girl Scout Camp-o-ree all weekend, then we are going to the Cub game on Monday. I forgot to tell you all about last Sunday when we went to the pond party. I SWUNG FROM THE ROPE SWING!!!!! It is mounted to a telephone pole over the pond and you swing out on it like in the movies. I did it TWICE!!!! Neither time was the most graceful, but I DID IT!!!! Congratulations to those that have recently been approved, and to those still fighting.....keep at it, you WILL be approved eventually! Have a lovey day!