Roll Call - Thursday!

(deactivated member)
on 8/15/07 8:41 pm - Wood River, IL
Good morning Illinois.  It is morning, isn't it?   Today is suppose to be another hot one in my area.  We have watered and everything, but the plants have died.  DH is sort of happy about the hot weather, we haven't had to mow in quite a while.  Makes me sad though, now that I have had surgery, I love to mow.  Hated it before, and constantly had to take breaks.  Guess I wouldn't be mowing for quite a while though now. Well, believe it or not, I got called for a job interview, I knew that would happen  I am not gonna be able to accept it though cause it is for full-time, and I need part-time, but they are gonna call me back when a part-time job opens up. Well, tell me how your week is going, and if you have plans for the weekend.  I will probably be sitting here.  This isn't good for the weight Lurkers, come on in, we don't bite. Dee
on 8/15/07 9:01 pm - Western 'Burbs Chgo, IL
GM Dee, you must be feeling a little better to be sitting at the PC. That is good news. We are to have some cooler temps up here the next few days. Our grass started growing again after the rain we had last week. We have a service do our lawn so all we need to do is make sure the hoses are in when they come. It is great because we have almost 3/4 of an acre. My flowers look pretty bad. Some of the more delicate ones have died off but the geraniums and marigolds are still kicking. My impatiens are back in the shade and still doing real well also.  For the life of me I cannot remember if we have anything going this weekend so I am going to say other than church on Saturday, nothing. Oh, I just 'membered we are going out to dinner on Sat. with two of the girls from our church team after the service.  Dave and I are making early plans for going away for part of Labor Day weekend. We cannot go too far becasue my neighbor has a big bash every year on the Sunday before the holiday. So we are going up to the Milwaukee area on Sat. and seeing Racine, Kenosha and then staying in Cedarburg at a small inn overnight. That town is supposed to have a lot of things to see and do and to just get out and walk to them. There is a winery that is the sister winery to the one we frequent in Prairie du Sac just north of Madison and we have wanted to go there for a long time.  Well, gotta run. Have a working lunch today at another PD and I have a lot to get done before I go. Christine

Open RNY May 7


Monica G.
on 8/15/07 10:25 pm - North Aurora, IL
Good morning, I am running late this morning so this will be a quick one.  I have to take Hank, my guniea pig to my friends this morning before work, she'll be taking care of him while we're on vacation.  Then I drop off Tyler for football practice and off to work.  After work I need to go to the grocery store to get things for my Mother in Law that will be staying here with the dogs and stuff to take with.   I still have to do all the laundry and clean the house too.  Good thing I have tomorrow off and we leave at 4am on Saturday!! Dee, glad to see you're "up".  How are you feeling? Chris, I can't believe that you don't have a full weekend.  lol  I get tired reading about all the things that you have Dave do, but honestly can't wait til  I can be doing a ton of things as well. Have a great day everyone!!



on 8/15/07 10:38 pm - Ottawa, IL
Good morning!!! Well I am waiting to go to work!! tonight I have to make my syllabus for my class that starts Monday. This weekend my parents are having a bean bag tournament at there house.
Lucy M.
on 8/16/07 12:21 am - Conway, SC
Hi Dee and everyone. Good to see you here Dee. Hope you're on the mend. I'm extremely busy at work as we are about to undergo an accreditation survey probably on Monday. They will be here for 3 days and I don't have any help in my office. I am going nuts and it's taken every ounce of my willpower, not to throw down my keys and name badge and walk out of here. That's how bad it is! Just wanted to say hello to everyone! Have a great weekend. Hugs, Lucy

Pre-op/RNY day/pre DS day/current/goal-  Realize Band 5/15/08; RNY 6/8/05, Removal Band and RNY to DS 8/25/10. RNY & Band surgeon was Dr. Guske.


Lisa Tucker
on 8/16/07 12:30 am - Streator, IL
Revision on 04/19/13
Good Morning Dee and the rest of the Illinois Board. My big plan for today is to put laundry away, go to the bank, and clean the kitchen. Then go out vside and watch my granddaughter in the pool. I will probly water the new  mums I put out last night. I decided that the back yard needed some color for this weekend. Since I planted them in containers, I can move them where I want them. I also want to put mulch on top of them, for some color. We are having a family BBQ this weekend. I know we have 20 coming for sure, plus whoever else comes without calling.  Yesterday, I headed for Yorkville and spent the daywith my youngest and my granddaughter. Then she came home with me until sunday. Then, she will go home  with her mom to Bloomington, and start school on Monday. She was with me the 1st week of her vacation, as well as her last week. I really think these schools are starting to early. Whatever happened to the day after Labor Day? Two more weeks until I return to work, for 30-40 hours a week, I guess I should enjoy only working 2 days a week this month. Everyone stay cool today. Lisa 
on 8/16/07 2:28 am - Crystal Lake, IL
Hi, Good afternoon, I am getting ready to go see surgeon this afternoon, Wish me luck... I have been waiting for my PCP to write my letter for 3 weeks and it still is not done so I guess I will go see Dr. with out it.... It is suck crap that it isnt done I am frustrated.. I mean I gave her 3 weeks come on now... LOL  Other than that I wont be doing much this weekend...Well Just wanted to update everyone Love Martha
on 8/16/07 4:18 am - Rock City, IL

Good Morning Illinois! Dee, good to see you up and posting, I hope you are feeling better. My home computer is still down so I post when I can here at work.

My young neighbors had their baby boy on Monday and they came home yesterday.  I made them dinner and will probably do so again this evening.  He is SO cute! David's football practices have gone from 2-a-day to once, in the morning.  Tomorrow, they have their first scrimmage and he also has to play in the band---that should be interesting..... Saturday, Todd and I are going to an annual party some friends of ours throw.  They have food, games, swimming and 3 bands.  We always pitch a tent and spend the night.  It is always a good time, but will be even better this year as I will not be embarrassed to be seen.  Sleeping in the tent should not be so uncomfortable either! Olivia is going to a Girl Scout Camp-o-ree all weekend, then we are going to the Cub game on Monday. I forgot to tell you all about last Sunday when we went to the pond party.  I SWUNG FROM THE ROPE SWING!!!!!  It is mounted to a telephone pole over the pond and you swing out on it like in the movies.  I did it TWICE!!!!  Neither time was the most graceful, but I DID IT!!!! Congratulations to those that have recently been approved, and to those still fighting.....keep at it, you WILL be approved eventually! Have a lovey day!


Tell someone that you love them!

on 8/16/07 6:14 am - Crystal Lake, IL
Good Afternoon,  I just back from visit from surgeon and I loved him he was wonderful... I am hoping to have paper work filed on Monday and then the waiting game begins.... I know it will take a while but hopefully not too long the surgeon said since we have union insurance it should not take too long...I am praying and hoping.... I hope everyone has a great day......
on 8/16/07 8:40 am - Bradenton, FL
Hi Everyone, I came back from Chicago to Florida on Tuesday. Our Lab that my daughter has, it really is her dog has lymphoma and was diagnosed on Monday. She has 6 months to a year to live. Chemo is to exspensive so we arent going to go that route. It is 5,000.00 and I dont have that kind of money. The dog is 10 years old. I am just going to keep her comfortable and see how that goes. I feel so sad for my daughter now. She wanted me to stay the rest of the week but I couldnt. I need to go and look for a job here in Florida. Otherwise my Thursday is going pretty good. Hope all is well. Carla
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