I feel so discouraged
I called my surgeon's office today to get the number of the nutrisionist. i spoke with one of th coordinator's don't get me wrong she was nice but she made my confidence drop. Long story short she was asking why a iwas doing the 6mnth diet. I explained the requirement. She said "u don't have BCBS of GA?" I sais no of IL. she said let me pull you file. as if I don't know(duh). well anyway long story short when she came back she went on to tell me that another patirnt has the same insurance and keeps getting denied for not have 5 yrs history. She only has 2. Well i only have 3. maybe i'm being silly but it just brought my spirits down. I said "well will the doc do a peer reveiw if necesaary?"She said yes but he tends to get anr w/ the other doc when doing them. She said VERY angry. i told her i understand i mean it's another doc questioning you medical opinion. She said exactly but he'll do them. she said he will write me a leter too. i said has been successfull overturning w/ peer reveiw?she said"i'm not going to discourage u but u have the toughest insurance,bcbs of IL,bcbs of alabama i think she said and she also said i think cigna. i can't recall but she said mine. i went on to get the # i called for and told her i have come too for to stop now and she said okay. thanks for listening. i can't stop crying. I know i haven't submitted yet but i just want to be approved. i am so uncomfortable. i want to LIVE. thanks OH friends for listening to me ramble .
Are the records that you have during the last 5 years? The records that I sent to BCBS of IL was weigh in during a dr visit in 2000 that showed my weight at 288 which would put my BMI at 41 during that time. That is the only thing that I sent them, so it must have been enough because I got my approval yesterday.
Congrats!!!!! You'll be a loser soon. well from what i know they want 5 yrs history.1 record from easch year to show obesity for past 5 yrs. I have not got the record from 2003 yet. i don't kow what myweight was on that visit. i have no records at all from 2004 or 2005. I didn't go to any doctor at all. I had no insurance. I have 2006 and of course 2007.my bmi from the 2005 record was 44. my bmi now is 47.3 did u have co-morbids?
I have BCBS of IL. The buggers denied me 4 times telling me they needed more info. Then finally just denied for some BS reason. I had to hire a lawyer to do my appeal because I only get one. They will be sending the letter this month for the appeal. I have a full five years of history of which I dropped below 40 bmi because I was on a diet supervised diet and when I was on my 6 month requiered diet. But my BMI was still above 35 and I have co-morbidities. They told me that my co-morbidities have to uncontrolled. Uncontrolled my butt, my doc said if they were uncontrolled I would be dead. If they deny my appeal then I have to go throught the IL Dept of Insurance and see if something would happen with that route. I would suggest that you get a doctor's office that is a little more aware of what is going on with you as a patient as well as your insurance. But enough of the negativity I'm sure that something will happen for you. I have been working on this since last October.
Take care!