Roll Call - Wednesday
Morning Everyone - It's kinda dreary out this morning. Not a lot going on besides work & work. My life is starting to settle down a bit. Thank goodness. I really can't stand having a bunch of drama going on.
Please keep Dee S. in your thoughts and prayers as she recovers from her car accident. What's going on with everyone else? I'm missing some of our regular posters. Where's everyone hiding? I hope everyone has a great day! Christina
Good Morning Christina and IL~
Sorry I have not been around lateley. I have been busy doing stuff with Maddie before school starts. I went to another psyc. appt on Sat. That went very good. She sent the Kane Center the results of the mmpi and a letter of support! Not to much going on here today! I have to go to the bank and the store. I hope everyone has a good day!
Revision on 07/25/18
Good morning Christina and the rest of the IL board,
Finally my life has slowed down hopefully; yesterfay my daughter and I went to Northwestern U for my first class. Then I met up with my girlfriend and went to her house and stayed until 10:30pm so I did get home until midnight.
Today, I have to go grocery shopping; someone stoled my hubby's groceries from his car so I have to go replace them today so he has food to eat.
Hope everyone has a great day,
Melissa M
Restarting my journey to be healthy and thin
Good morning everyone,
Today I have to clean the house UGH... and start to get kids ready for school.. I have not been posting in a while I have been in a slump. I think I am finally trying to get out of it now..Sometimes I am and just don't know what to post... No one wants to hear me go on and on about nothing LOL...Tomrrow I go see a new surgeon (one that does not charge 12,000 above insurance LOL) please pray that all goes well... Today my knees are killing me, so I am hoping this gets going soon... Hope everyone has a great day Love Martha
Not much going on down in my neck of the woods either. Just trying to stay cool. I made an appointment for the dentist, its Friday morning. I am tired of crushing IB prophen. I am also afraid if it doesn't go down all the way it could eat a hole in my pouch? I have taken many of them. I put them in a little yogert after crushing them up.
I have been in a slump because I believe all the IBprophen is causeing a weight gain. I am up 5 pounds and I have not increased my food any. So with the weight gain and headache from the tooth trouble I feel rotten.
Hope everyone else is having a great day.
Christina how did your training go?
Dee I do hope you will be up and at it in no time, Thank God you weren't hurt really bad.
Thake Care Illinois.
Hi's so BORING when it rains all day! Sounds like Dee was very blessed to have just injuries after her could have been fatal for her!
Karen love the new avatar! Cute! Christina.....are you bored? Need some drama? NOOOOO Get some rest now that things have settled down! Happy trainning to you in the house of sin! I get fat just looking at the sign!
Kim you should be all done now with your stuff! Surgery should be right around the corner! Have a good day eve1 Pam
I AM HERE!! Sorry, all it has been really stressful at work. I am not sure as to what to do to handle it all. We have sort of a new system in place as to about 50% of the work my office does and I am still trying to get a handle on it. And one of the ladies is out because her kid goes back to school this week so she is off. She is only part time but it takes a lot out of the other two to nail down and do the rest of the work; plus Tammy is only part time also. AND, I have meetings to go to today (already went for today) and on Thursday out of the department. I also took on the responsibility of the monthly crime stats for July and also volunteered (where was my head?) to handle them from now on. It really is something that I need to nail down and TOTALLY learn (the Excel program) so it is forced learning. Stop the world I want to get off!
Other than that things are pretty much slowing down with Dave and I, YEAH! Yes, I am rather unpatiently looking forward to the end of summer. Of course we still have some plans for the rest of this month and into Sept and Oct, but those are things that we have been looking forward to for a few months.
ps you are all in my heart even though I have been absent.

Open RNY May 7