OMG!!! I found a surgeon that takes medicaid
Ooooooh Myyyyyy Gosh!
I did it! I found a surgeon that accepts medicaid! OMG I`m so excited I could laso that tornado and ride it all the way around that dag gummed trailer park!!!
It`s Dr.Ayloo at the University of Illinois Medical Center in Chicago.The lady I talked to Bailet,said the info meetings are every other Monday & the Dr.Schedules her office appts. on Thurs.& Fri.So being I`m so far away & the time between the meeting & the office visit is to long in between for me to be away from home that long,I can skip the meeting and the Dr.will do a one on one session with me & I could ask questions & find out what I need to know then.
.All I have to do is figure out when I can go,find someone for my son to stay with,and get the money to go.Which that won`t be too much of a problem.My husbands family lives in ****ro and they have a full house so we will need money for train,other transportation,motel,& food.As long as I can use a credit card for all this we should be ok.And if I can get this done soon enough,I won`t have to redo some of the clearance tests.Soooooo,you know what that means don`t you? My surgery could be just around the corner!
. I can`t believe all of this.
.Ok,I`m gonna go find that tornado now.YEEEHAW & GIT`ER DONE

Yes and I forgot to Thank Christina for the tip.THANK YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH Christina
.My mom has to go out of town on the 19th for 3 weeks,plus she`s going thru some rough family trouble right now and doesn`t feel like she can make the desicion right now.She`s back and forth with it. so I told her it doesn`t matter how far I get with mine,if she decides to have the surgery I can still go thru the process with her.I told her I would not let her go it alone.She`s just very upset right now because my brothers(baby of the family) gf moved back to Tennessee with their 10 month old baby girl.She is just so heart sick right now because she misses her grandbaby.But hopefully in time she will hurt less.Anyway,I`ve got to go,I`ve got 3-4 things going at once right
Take care and have a good night Pam

Get those bags packed girl, you have a road trip to make! I'm really glad you were able to find a surgeon that can help you. Right now, you have to keep the focus on you. I know you are hurting for your Momma but she will do it when she's ready. It may even be better if you go first and then you can share your experience with her at a later date. Just remember that everything happens for a reason.

Thanks Christina.Yeah I was thinking that maybe it would be good if I went and did it first.One of her sisters had the bypass,*& she know`s someone else that had it.I know she was very afraid of it at first because all she was hearing was the death rate and that people were dying after having it.But since i`ve been talking to her throughout my research I think a lot of her fears are gone.I just wish My brothers gf would bring that baby back to IL so mom can be happy again.Everytime she gets to talk to lexi on the phone she just cries.She is really greeving.That`s her youngest kids baby.Oh by the way.I`ve decided I can go to Chicago for the consult in October.I`m going to try to get it for the 5th.I forgot my ex is taking his last wekks vacation for the year.He always takes it the first week of October because our sons B-day is the 2nd & his is on the 3rd.Sooo,perfect time for a trip
! OMG October is a BUSY month for us with birthdays.The first 2 weeks anyway.My sisters is the 6th,my husbands is the 7th,and Lexi`s is the 11th.5 b-days in two weeks
Thanks so much to everyone that has been helping me and giving me referrals.Now lets just hope this goes over without anything else preventing me from getting farther again.

Hi Denise.The number is (312)355-1578.Ask for Bailet.Pronounced(Bailett)She will be able to tell you what you need to know.And she said Dr.Ayloo would be doing my surgery.A female Dr.I do know that they do not accept medicaid for the lapband.This is just one of the reasons I changed my mind and decided to go with the RNY.I know your pain.I gave up last year but started back with my search a few weeks ago.I`m calling today to make my appt.for the consultataion for Oct.5th.Good luck and let me know what happens.I hope it goes well for you.