trying to get my medical records
Well today I called and was able to get 1 of the yrs medical reords that i need. i will have to go to the hospital to obtain the ER record from 2003. i am a bit nervous becuse i have seen some say that they(insurance) wouldn't take the ER note w/weigth bec. they think they don't weigh u. well i was weighed because i was put under and i had to be weighed.As i said before i only have 3 of the 5 yrs. record,but i am gonna try anyway. I have come too far to give up now. i will try and find pics w/ the date on them too for back up. i am gonna go to the nutristionist this moth i hope.if not next month anyone know if u have to keep going to the nutrisionist. my friend is going through this and she said her insurance(kaiser)wants her to have about 15 visits.maybe that's bec.she doesn't have to do 6 month diet. my policy just says Nutr.eval. i'm just getting nervous that's my last appointment i want no set back for nutr. eval and med. record. thanks for listening to me ramble. i sound
gotta go watch big medicine and then go to
any responses always appreciated.