Hi everyone....
I know I havent posted in a while, sorry yesterday I went to see a surgeon and I was told that they have a proffessional fee of 12000.00 above and beyond what my insurance pays. So I said no way and came home and regrouped made an appointment for next Thursday with a surgeon closer to home and made sure this time there was no proffessional fee. But I was happy with that and I need my letter from PCP and she is dragging her feet.... I need that letter of medical nec. I have been waiting 3 weeks and no avail. I call all the time and nothing. I am sorry I am just bummed today and tired of the hoops. Thanks for listening Love Martha
Hi Martha - Sorry you are bummed. Maybe it's just meant to be that you move on to another surgeon. Everything happens for a reason.
Keep your chin up. If I was use, I would walk my butt into your pcp's office and personally get the papers you need. Don't let them mickey mouse you around. BIG HUGS, Christina
Thanks Christina.... I have called my PCP over and over again... I told my husband today I was frustrated with the PCP and he understands but said it won't all happen in a day, ok how about 3 weeks LOL... I think I am wanting it now and am just a bit upset. I need to find something to keep myself busy untill next thursday (my other surgeons appt) Please pray that this all goes well.....