Friday Roll Call
Melissa M
Restarting my journey to be healthy and thin
Hi Melissa - Wow, Wow.. You do have a full weekend. I hope you are able to spend some time w/ dh. Try to sneak in a little "me" time, you're going to need it for that drive. I hope you have a safe travel and nice visit. I know it's going to be a really hard visit for you guys.
Have a good day. Christina
Melissa M
Restarting my journey to be healthy and thin
Christine I hope you weekend is fill full of fun. As for the rest of Illinois try and find something COOL to do. Christina when is your oriantation at Bakers Square? We have one of those here I have been there a couple times. Well my plans? I don not have any this is a just do what I want weekend. I need a cheap dentist, I have insurance but they want paid up front then let the insurab=nce pay me back. Well dental work can be pricey! I have a 50.00 deductable. That should be all I need to pay, oh well I will work with it until I get back to work.
Well IL have a safe cool weekend! Karen
Hi Karen -
Don't you just love those weekends when nothing is planned for you. I sure do. I hope you find a reasonable dentist. It's no fun having any problems with your teeth and yes, it can be pricey.
I start my orientation on Monday, Aug 13th. I'm looking forward to the change of pace and making some xtra money.
Stay cool today,