Test Cost before wls self pay "New Start"
Has anyone done self pay with New Start In St Louis Mo? My daughter Carissa is getting ready for Lap RYN wls there, not the band. Does anyone know of a place in Belleville, IL area or St Louis that will do her test cost according to her income?
I am paying for her wls, but she is paying for her tests she has to do before wls, she is low income. Please give any advice you can? Would like to hear from people who self paid at New Start, Please! What was your total cost? I know the lap band is cheaper but thats not what she wants. I had RYN almost 4 yrs ago, Carissa was not ready for wls then. She was just so afraid! When I went into surgery I remember her crying, she said what if I die?? I was not afraid! I said so what it would be me that was dead not her so stop crying! No, it didn't help! Luckly everything went well, no problems.
So Carissa watched me lose my weight, saw my struggles. Carissa drinks and smokes which I did neither, she knows she has to give these things up! She says she doesn't smoke unless she is drinking, well mostly on wk ends. I never see her smoke because my kids have never smoked in front of me! She is 26 yrs old! I think they know how I cannot stand the smell ect..Ok Let me know about self pay cost ect.. for New Start, I hear its like 20-25 thousand. I went to Kansas to have mine and I had insurance.
I am excited for her! Praying she will do as the wls Dr says, lose her weight and gain self respect. She wants to one day own her own business but I think this weight keeps her down in the dumps. You know how people treat heavy people! Ok See ya all lighter! Cyndi
Yes, Please, I would also know what is the average amount of self pay, it's probably similar to that of Illinois ?? And if so, what are your average payments, they finance for 5 years, right ?? I am so scared that my insurance will deny me. Good luck with your daughter, her and I have some similarities in that my husband and I want to open our own business to pass on to my daughters, we have 4...and I want to live long for them....
I don't live that far from you. I was self pay at Day One in Chicago. I had lap band on 2-1. My cost was $15,995. I have payments for 5 years. Financially this was very hard for me to do. But I thought my health is the most important thing and I just won't think about getting a new car for long time. Best of luck and if you have any question let me know.
If she is low income she could possibly qualify for Medicaid which would pay as someone else said. If her income is too high, the thing to do would be to "negotiate" the cost with the facility PRIOR to the procedure. Call several different hospitals and labs- keep good notes, just explain that she's private pay and will pay up front- most places will cut you a much much lower rate if you pay ahead because they have no billing involved which is less man power. I recently had plastics at St Johns in StL and they negotiated it all for me. Good luck!