Jane Elizabeth
C. medor
on 1/31/07 10:11 pm
on 1/31/07 10:11 pm
Hello Jane
First congradulation on that princess she is pretty, I know she is loved already. Enjoy her your going to have a good time. Well I was reading your profile I found it quite interested and very very helpful, I just had my surgery on 1/26/07 I had the lapband.I can assure you I will reading your profile very often looking for tips. Thanks for that great information and good luck with the new baby.
Oh, how sweet. It sounds like she has the mothering instinct in her. Well, need to get ready for work. Need to get things organized. We are having a Super Bowl lunch at work. I am bringing the sandwiches, pulled chicken (instead of pulled pork). We are going to be smelling that all morning because I am going to start the crock pot as soon as I get there to start it warming up. I am also real excited because I do not have to wear my uniform to work today. We can wear Bear sweatshirt, jersey or tee shirt. That does not happen too often. Because I meet the public on a regular basis I need to be in my full uniform with star, name tag and service bar attached. I am so tired of it after 27+ years.