waiting on aetna ppo
Just wondering for all u aetna members....I have PPO and just on my second month of the doctor's diet and all....so how long did it take for u to hear from them approval or denial! I hate the waiting process as it is, but that part will kill me!! anyone please let me know how long they took to let u know??? and about how much weight should or do I need to lose with this doctor diet thing....for the insurance to approve as well.
i have Aetna and am in my 4th month of doing the doctor thing!! i've gotton a run a round from the the people in the bariatric office (the insurance end of it, not Aetna) i have to do all this stuff before the paper work even gets to Aetna. i recently switched to a different insurance consultant and she helped me understand a whole lot more of what exactly i need to do and send in! it's a 6 month process and from what they tell me it's important to get all the stuff requred in EXACTLY how they want it! from what you said it doesn't sound like your paper work has even been sent off yet.......this is a very long dragged out process let me know if you want anymore info since i could be a small step ahead of you i have Aetna pos could be simular
the bariatic nurse that is organizing all the paper work let me know of all that. I mean the exact paper work and all that stuff. She gave me a full out paper work packet of each thing I need to do and where to go and their phone numbers and basically every step I need to take is there. She does this individually for each case with whatever kind of insurance they have. I Thought it was kinda cool she did that. I am pretty organized with all the paper work and the steps that I am taking. I am trying to watch each step I take and I regularly call the bariatric nurse to recheck my steps. Is this a wise idea?? or am I being overly obsessive??? I just want to get it right. what else have u gone through with the insurance??? just as a forewarning for myself.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! I really appreciate the input!
thanx again!
i think what you are doing is perfect! and NOT obsessive! if you don't get it exactly right you will only delay yourself. it all seems a little stupid since they should know that the outcome will be us getting that surgery. i will save your name so i can up date you on my progress! how's that work for you?