I'M Rolling Now
I found out that all my medical papers are in to NewStart Program. I know most who post here are from the northern half of the state and I don't know if anyone has gone through the New Start Program in ST Louis or not but if you have I'd like to hear from you.
Most people I know in this area have gone through Barnes Hospital. I don't expect to hear anything for at least 30 daysmaybe even into March because the Dr. has to go over my files and my primary insurance has to refuse which they will then Medicare can cover me.
I am actually trying to go through NewStart to get mine done. I live in New Baden and work in the Central West End. They called Monday to say the doctor will look at my paperwork on Tues. How does all of this work? I have not heard from them. Should I call? I am just wondering where I stand. Any answer would be appreciated.