I got in touch the University of Chicago Dr. Prachand, he does accept Illinois Medicaid and will do a revision on my LapBand. I had my records sent to them and awaiting my appt with my reg physician to sched an upper GI. So basically I am waiting to see if Illinois Medicaid will cover this revision. Fingers, toes, eyes crossed! They said I definately qualified so I am praying everything goes well. LapBand just was not for me, disappointing but I knew it could be a possibility. Thanks for all the supprt and info..
Good Luck To You! Im In The Process Of Trying To Get My Revision Approved Threw insurance.. UNITED!! Dr Frantzides Is My Dr. He Is Up In Evanston.. I Actually Live In Indiana.. But.. Im Traveling To Him Cuzz The Dr.s Here Failed Me ((SIGH))
Good Luck With Your Approval.. I'll Keep My Fingers Crossed For You Too =)