What are the symptoms of a possible stricture??
My husband is almost 4 weeks post op. And for the last 24 hours he has not been able to really eat anything. He says that he just feels like flu symptoms. But he has not vomitted. I realize that it could be a bug but I just want to make sure that we are very careful he has been doing so well I would hate for us to have a set back just because we weren't paying attention to what his body was trying to tell us.
Is he running a fever? Is he able to keep down fluids? Is he having any abdominal pain? If you know the answers to these questions, I think you should give your doctor a call. Better be safe than sorry. Even though he may not have anything surgically related going on, dehydration is still a consideration. I'm sure your doctor would rather be called for something that is probably not a significant problem than to wait and be called for something that has turned into a big problem. Your husband is lucky to have someone so attentive and concerned caring for him. Good luck! Linda O.
He is not running a fever, He is able to keep fluids down. He describes his pain as being more of feeling of not being able to burp. He points closer to the top of chest being full of air. Not so much his stomache. He just doesn't feel like eating anything. I was able to get about 1/2 cup of cream of wheat down him and 1/2 cup of jello, 1/4 cup of cottage cheese. He has been able to drink about 32oz of fluids. But that is all. I think I am going to call the doctor tomorrow. I didn't know if it warranted a phone call today. His activity level has also decreased over the last few days. Thanks so much for your help and suggestions. I really appreciate it.
If he is only four weeks out, that is usually a time when the body re-adjusts to the lack of eating and you just don't feel like it. I still have problems with "fullness" and the feelings you described. And as soon as I burp (I am a burping fool now) I feel SOOOOO much better. I usually have to drink a bit of cola in order for this to occur. Hope this helps.