on 12/27/06 8:37 pm - Ellis, IL
on 12/27/06 8:37 pm - Ellis, IL
I had BCBS and was turned down several times, had appeal after appeal and finally had to have my primary physician, *****commended the surgery, call and do a "pier to pier consult" with one of the physicians at BCBS's appeals dept. After he had a consult with them, I had an answer in 30 days, and had the surgery less than 30 days after that. They are ridiculous! Have you tried the consult yet? In my case, it was little things like the dietician not putting thorough enough notes. Just by leaving out one or two words, was enough for a denial. I asked BCBS EXACTLY what they needed for me to be approved. Then I called my MD and told him what they had to have to approve it. It worked for me. I had been trying for 2 years, so I understand your frustration. Good Luck.