Looking for affirmation, Going through 6 month diet
Hello all! I am going through my 6 month supervised diet. The first month I lost 2 pounds. This month I haven't been doing very well. Christmas kinda gets me all shook up and my grandfather almost died. So I feel like every thing is all over the place. To make matters worse I feel so guilty that I haven't been doing very good this month. I feel like the insurance company is going to deny if I don't lose weight this month. I am trying to just relax and stay positive but that is really hard. How did you all manage to stay on track? I kinda feel like if I can't do it now what makes me think that I will be able to do it after the surgery. I think that after the holidays I will be in a better state of mind. Please tell me that all my feelings are normal and that I am not going to completely fail. I hate being a failure. Thanks for any info and replies
Hi Kelly, I know you posted this a while ago, but I just found this site, and I wanted to respond. Keep in mind that the reason we look into having surgery is because our dieting is not successful, for many reasons. If we could diet successfully, we would not need surgery. Bottom line is don't feel guilty. Just have your doctor document that you are trying but having difficulty. This is just one of the hoops that the insurance company has you jump through. Just do the best you can, and it'll be over before you know it. I'm now almost 7 weeks post RNY, and it was worth jumping through those hoops--I'm down 40 pounds. Best wishes, Linda O.
Thank you very much for your response. It kinda weird because I went to the doctor 4 days after I posted that and I ended up losing 6 pounds. I thought I hadn't lost any. I do not weigh myself inbetween appointments. But thank you always, you made me feel like there is still hope. I do have another question though for you. How did you deal with your family and the surgery. I don't want to say anything to my family until I know for sure that the surgery is approved. Of course, my boyfriend and his family know. My boyfriend has lived with my for over 2 years and his family is a bit more supportive than mine. I'm just looking for some kind of guidance with this process. Thank you again!
Congrats on the weight loss! One more month gone on the journey to successful weight loss. As far as letting your family know about your surgery, I would think that your instincts are best as to judging if your family will be supportive or not. I will say that I was shocked to find out how supportive my husband and children and mom turned out to be. I thought they would be against doing something as drastic as bypass surgery is. What I found out was that they were feeling my pain, and wanted to see me healthy again. I would recommend that when you decide to tell your family that you have some articles or some sort of information to give them about what the surgery actually is, and what you hope to accomplish. There are some common misconceptions out there, based on how surgery was 10-20 years ago. WLS has come such a long way! Do you have the book Weight Loss Surgery for Dummies? I would highly recommend that you get it (order it online from Amazon, or you can get it for less on the Unjury.com web site-that is a great protein supplement FYI) and perhaps share some stuff that you've read. Anyway, good luck and God bless. I'll pray that you find the right time to tell your family. Linda O.