Day One Health

C. medor
on 1/9/07 11:09 am
Hi theresa just what to know if you heard anything about the insurance yet?
on 1/9/07 2:49 pm
Hello, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that I will be having surgery faster then I thought. Bad news is that I am going to be self pay. I go Wed. at 11:00 to go over it and try to get financing then if that goes good I meet with the nutritious the same day. The next appt. will be the pstchologist and pre-op testing. Then liquids for 2 weeks. I will write back when I get home. How is it going for you??? Did you get a hold of your doctor??? I just don't have the health problems on the list. Talk to you soon When do you start your liquids? Theresa
C. medor
on 1/10/07 10:03 am
Hi Theresa Did the insurance say no ? Gee I start friday on my liquids, Yes I did talk to my Dr office. I talk to the nurse at my Dr office she said that the did touch bases with Dr Meyer office. The nurse at my Dr office said she send the request to get the referral for the surgery and she will fax it to Dr Meyer office. I told her that I was going to start my liquid this friday, she said she knew because Dr Meyer office told her, So my fingers are crossed hoping to tie all the knots this week. I just can't wait ! I have not had a chance to get excited or nervous yet. I will let you know what is going on when I hear any news. I hope the best for you and everything goes fine. Good luck!
on 1/10/07 11:53 am
Charlotte, Everything will work out for you. I am self-pay. I just don't have the health problems and the BMI for the insurance to pay. I am excited about having the surgery but mad at myself that it came to this. I wish I could have just loss weight and keep it off. Long term this what I had to do. It is like a car payment. Today I did financing and talk to the nutritious. That was fast and easy. Talked about liquid diet. Tomorrow I am going to Palos for re-op testing. Next week I see the psychologist if that all goes good I start liquid next week. Then surgery. How do you think liquid diet is going to go? Did you hear anything about Day One support group? Are you getting a low-profile port? Talk to you soon.
C. medor
on 1/13/07 6:28 am
Hi Theresa Well I am glad everything is running smoothly and fast for you, Don't be mad at yourself now you are doing something about it. We are the kind of people who need a little help. I know what you are talking about losing and keep it off. I have been doing this for yrs and yrs. I started my liquids yesterday ( Friday). I think I am doing great so far thank the Good Lord. Guess what I did I weighted myself this morning I just had to do it And guess what! I lose 5 pounds! It is not that bad I have 12 more days until I get my lap-band. The diet is not bad plus I have been walking during lunch time about 30-40 minutes. So I think that is helping also. I just hope I can continue this. But I am all hyped up. No what about Day One support group? And what is a low-profile port? Let me know soon!
on 1/13/07 2:52 pm
Charlotte, You should be very proud of yourself. Is your surgery at Rush? My surgery is going to be at The Surgery Center. Maybe we had different pre-op liquid diet. Can we have splenda with are coffee? I forgot to ask that. I keep thinking of other question I forgot to ask. I was told that Day One has a support group. It is on my list of question when it is and the times. Some patients are candidates for a low profile port. It is still a port but a little smaller then the regular one. I was a candidate but it cost a little more. What has been the best liquid for you that fills you up? I have to go shopping to get some stuff. Keep up the great job. Theresa
C. medor
on 1/13/07 9:53 pm
Theresa Yes I am having my surgery at Rush and Dr Myer will do it. I have been using the splenda with my coffee. Where is the support group at there office? I wonder how you know if you are a candidate for the low profiel port and why. I wonder if has to do with your weight? I just try to drink the liquids to fill me up like the carnation bf and soup. This is the third day, 12 more to go Let me know if you hear anything new about your surgery. So you don't exactly know when you are having the surgery as of yet or when you start the liquid diet?
on 1/14/07 4:49 am
Charlotte, Keep up the good work. Dr Myer will be doing my surgery at the Surgery Center. I think Yuko told me meetings are at the office. I will ask Wed. about it when I go. I wish there were meeting closer to where I live. Going downtown is kinda big deal for me. I not use to driving down there. Maybe I will get use to it. My cousin has been going with me for the ride. I did pre-op testing last thurs at my hosp by me. So if everything went o.k. will that and with the psychologist on this Wed. I will be starting liquids Thurs and surgery is scheduled for Feb. 1. I am hoping everything goes good and I get to keep the date. I think to be a candidate for the low profile your BMI has to be under 40. Have you lost more weight? I tried Diet Snapple and that was really good.
C. medor
on 1/18/07 8:43 am
Hi Theresa, I got some good news today. Everything is final. Next week friday is my day! I am excited now. I am doing good on the liquid its not that bad! I have lost 15 pounds already and have been walking for 30 minutes at lunch time. I did tell the nurse at the primary care office, That after all this running around since May of 2006, that I was leaving that office because they handle this very bad. I did all the paperwork for them. I never received a denial letter. it was always approved. They just took there sweet time to give me information on what they needed, because all the while I had the information that was needed I thank'd her very very much because she was the only one that really really helped me out. I mean I called her everyday to see if anything about the referrals. I told her I was sorry for being a pest. she told me no problem. I told her I was going to write a letter to the Dr to let her know that was the only one in that office that help me out. She told me to see the Dr and talk to her about how I felt. I have had this Dr for 20yrs she has been my children Dr and husband and mine. My feelings were really hurt. I told she gets a check every month for me from the insurance company. She is suppose to give me service when I ask for it. Well how are you doing? Started your liquids yet? Everytihing is happening so fast now. I think I am getting nervous and scared, But it will be o.k. Tell me what is happening with you now.
on 1/18/07 2:51 pm
Hello Charlotte, Isn't it such a relieve to finally get the final O.K. That is really a shame about your doctor. After all the years you really get a relationship with them. Do you think talking to her might help or do you think you are better finding a new one. Me and mom had a doctor for years and something happens with my mom and she just didn't handle it well. We both had to find a new doctor. I went for my meeting with the psychologist. I was really nervous at first. But she was very nice to me. I was done in 30 min. It was a lot of question. Even a lot of question about the lap-band. I started my liquids today. What has been your favorite and most filling liquid for you? My surgery is 2-1 it is going very fast. I just can't wait for it to be over and to be resting. I hope we aren't in a lot of pain. I asked about support group. It is on the third Tues. of every month. Do you think you will go? I would have to switch my day off at work because I work after afternoons. Plus I really don't like driving downtown. Keep me update on how your doing. Theresa
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