Day One Health
I didn't see my post up that I sent last night. The hardest part was driving down there. I did paperwork, got weight and then meet with the doctor. I had all my notes and question then I'm so nervous I remember more when I get home. My BMI was 35.2 and Dr. Myers said I would be a good candidate because of my diet history and how many health problems my family has. I was so happy. This meeting was very easy. Yuko who does insurance and financing is on vacation till Wed. So I waite to talk to her. My next worry is if my insurance will cover me or how I will pay for this. I have to cross my fingers this will be a close one. Keep me updated
C. medor
on 1/1/07 9:07 am
on 1/1/07 9:07 am
Happy NewYears Theresa
So you had your visit with Dr. Myers he is so so nice. What kind of insurance do you have if you don't mind me asking? Oh I hope your insurance does cover this for you. Do you know if you have to get approved first? Did he give you the list of all the test you need? Will your insurance pay for the test that you need to take. Or do you have to wait for the lady to come back from vacation? Did he explain to you what is needed and what you need to do before the surgery? Well I have 11 more days to go on my liquid diet before my surgery. I know what you mean that you can't picture yours self thin neither can I. I just keep on thinking how will I look next Christmas or for my birthday? I can't wait to get this done which will be on Jan 26 2007. I will keep my fingers crossed and say a prayer for you, that you can get the ball running to get it done.
Hello Charlotte,
We will need to start the count down for you soon. Did you find out how much cc the band will be? (or what size band it is) I have Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO. I called and it is covered starting this year. Yuko will be in the office tomorrow so if I don't hear from her by Thurs. I will call her. That's the next step for me I guess. Dr. Myers didn't give me a list of test. Maybe he's waiting to see if I'm covered or self pay. If I don't get covered its going to be because I don't have major health problems that insurance is looking for. We will see wish me luck. I will up date you soon and I am so happy for you. This is going to be a great year for you.
C. medor
on 1/4/07 2:20 am
on 1/4/07 2:20 am
Hi Theresa
Well I am kinda mad!. but I have trust in the LORD so I will not panick. I called Dr Myer office to give them some new Ins info starting as of the first of the yr. She told me that she called my primary Dr twice to get the referral for the surgery. She then told me she will try again. Well I called the office and they are close until Monday Jan 8th 2007 that the Doc is out of town on Vacation. So now when Monday comes you know I am going to call them and ask what is the problem? I have been trying to get this done since MAY of 2006. I know this is just a little mishape again with my Doc's office. I need to be very kind to them so they can help me. This is the very last of the things I need from my primary DOC. I have been having to keep on them for things that they needed to do all the time. I have been determined to get this done. So I will not just wait on this. next week friday is the day I start my liquids, I have schedule my time off of work already. So they have no choice but to send it to DR Myer. Just pray thats all I need to do. To wrap this up. I can just dream about having it done. I want to start this procedure now. I am having my surgery done at Rush.
Everything will work out and I will say a pray for you. It's so hard to just wait and wait. Hopefully soon you will look back and this will be just a memory. I called the office today and about my insurance and I left a message. I am just waiting for a call back. I saw the doctor a week ago. The holidays make this slower and harder. (and everyone on vacations) Keep me updated.
C. medor
on 1/4/07 9:21 am
on 1/4/07 9:21 am
Thanks Theresa.
I know I just have to wait until Monday. I know I guess if I want this I need to do what I have to do to keep the ball rolling, until the very end. You know BCBS PPO is going to approve lap-bands starting in 2007. So I hope this helps you. I work for BCBS and this was told to us.I guess they must know now that if a person is overweight it costs more to to pay out claims due to the weight. So by approval of these surgeries they won't have to pay out claims that much. We will be healther. Makes sense to me. Well Theresa keep me in touch on your request. Thanks for that prayer! I will be doing the same for you also.
I told Yuko at Day One that BCBS PPO is going to cover lap-band starting Jan. 2007 because I called and someone very helpful told me she saw it on a email she received. Yuko said she had to wait till Jan. to check it out. I hope she calls me back tomorrow. I am really on the line with my BMI being 35.3 and not many health problems on the list. I want to prevent everything my family has. I have high cholesterol, back pains and very bad varicose veins. Day to Day activity are getting harder. I want to stop yo-yoing. We will be doing a lot of praying. Thank You for your help.