Day One Health

on 12/21/06 2:55 pm
Did anyone go to Day One Health in Chicago? Dr. Jonathan Myers
C. medor
on 12/22/06 10:52 pm
Theresa Dr Myers is the sugeon who wil be doing my lap-band. He is a very nice Dr. I am having it done at Day One Health, I will having mine done at Rush, He also does Lap-Band there also. I did have a friend who went there to see if she can have it done. But she had HMOIL and she needed a referral first. The people he has working with him are very helpful and concern about his patients. Oh and one more thing, he is so cute! He looks like he should be on Grey Antomy Show!. He is very nice. Have patient I have been trying to get this done since MAY 2005, My date is Jan 26th 2007. Keep in touch to let us know how things are going. HAPPY HOLIDAYS
on 12/23/06 12:04 pm
Hello, I went to Day One Health seminar last Sat. I have a appointment with Dr. Myers next Thurs. I hope it goes good. Congratulations on getting a date. What took so long or is it that how long it takes? Is your insurance covering the lap-band or did you get financing for it? I was told out of pocket is $16,000. I called Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO and it is going to be covered starting Jan. 2007. That doesn't mean they will cover me. I don't have tons of medical problems and my BMI is not at 40. I have to pay $75.00 for next week appointment because it in 2006, and they can't check into 2007 benefits till Jan. I didn't want to give up my appointment and I already took off work. Has Dr. Myers done a lot of Lap Bands? He looks on the younger side and he is cute. I am turning 30 on your date. Thank You so much for responding to me and I look forward from hearing from you. MERRY CHRISTMAS Theresa
C. medor
on 12/24/06 3:59 am
I went to the seminar at Rush in October he has them once a month at Rush.The reason it took so long was because I have HMOIL, So that means I needed to get a referral first. It took so long because of my primary Dr. I had to send in alot of paper work to show them how I have tried to lose weight. My first visit to Dr Myers was in October also, So I started in May, But the people in his office told me it's my Dr Staff that was the hold up. Not the Dr. When I did see Dr Myers he gave me a list to get all these test done before the surgery, I did receive a eob for that visit and it was $375.00. After all the test are done. The staff will take care of the rest. The only thing he does that other Dr's don't do, is you have to go on a liquid diet 14days before the surgury. So Jan 12th I will start my liquid diet. I don't have alot of medical problems I have high blood pressure thats it ( thank GOD) So I will be starting my New Year right! Good Luck on your visit, I hope to hear from you again MERRY CHRISTMAS,
on 12/26/06 8:09 am - IL
I am going for my consultation on Jan. 11, 2007. I am nervous and anxious. My sister had the gastric bypass so I know the effects of bariatric surgery but I am up for the challenge. I have BCBS PPO how long does it take for you to get a surgery date? I was told by one of Dr. Meyer's staff that it's normally a month and a half after your consultation you have surgery.
on 12/26/06 3:07 pm
Thank You so much for telling me that it is normally a month and a half. My consultation is this Thurs. If you can think of any other good question for me to ask let me know. I am trying to take down all my notes because I get so nervous when I am there. I am paying for the consultation because I made the appointment before the 1st. I didn't want to cancel because I had to take off work. What seminar did you go to?
on 12/27/06 9:08 am - IL
It was supposed to be on Dec. 14 but I was late and missed it. I had to view the "Emmi' presentation and then call for my consult. I hate I missed the info session because I do have a lot of questions. Like, will I hae loose skin when I reach goal, does Day One offer follow up care, why do we have to go on a liquid diet for 2 weeks before the surgery? Does Day One prepare all of the letters that are needed for insurance. I have more but that's just a few. Please let me know how thursday go. Good luck!
C. medor
on 12/27/06 11:50 am
Yes a month and half is right. I had my appt with Dr Myers in October 2006. When I went to consultation he checks to see if you are a candiate for the surgery. Then he will have a list of test and things that are needed before the surgery. My took 2 weeks to get everything done, then I had to wait for the result and my primary Dr faxed the results plus you need to get a letter from the primary Dr to say they approve to get the surgury done. Once all that info is given to Dr Myers office, then you get another visit with him. This visit they look at all the test you took and then make sure they are all good . Then they set up an appt for your surgery. Dr Myers makes you get on a 2 week liquid diet, if you gain one pound that is it he will not do the surgery. The reason for the liquid diet he said is to make your liver less fatty before the surgery.Keep us posted on your visit on thursday.
on 12/28/06 1:31 am - IL
So I take it you have had your surgery. How do you feel? Were you nervous? How long were you in pain, how's the pain? Wow I am excited. I'm sure you can tell.
C. medor
on 12/28/06 7:40 am
I will be having my surgery on Jan 26th 2007. I have to start my liquids on Jan 12th 2007. I am not excited yet. But I am sure I will be nervous and excited. soon. Writting to you about my surgery I am getting excited. I can't wait, I started marking down the days on my calendar at work today. I will let you know if I am in pain and what kind of pain it is,
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