Pain after the surgery?
Hi Charlotte
What type of surgery are you having? They do differ a bit. I had Lap RNT last January. And there was some pain but it was tolerable. You do get good drugs in the hospital
And I was sent home with a liquid pain killer that did wonders too.
The worst for me was the gas pain. It settled in my left shoulder and that hurt more than my tummy.
But each day gets better and better and now I just look back and can't believe how far I've come.
You will be the same a year from now. A happier, healthier and oh yes, thinner Charlotte
Best of luck on your journey. It's going to be a wild ride!
Regards and hugs,

C. medor
on 12/17/06 9:21 pm
on 12/17/06 9:21 pm
Thank You so much for the information. I just want to know what to expect when I have my surgery. I know I can tolerate pain very well. I am just worried about the gas! Do they give good gas release meds? ( Does that sound crazy). So I guess that gas travels right? When I have my lap-band done it is on a out-patient and I will go home the same day know I will do well, I just want to tell the next person what to expect when they have the surgery. I am counting the days and I can't wait until it is done. Again I thank you so much.
Charlotte ~
I had lap band surgery done in February of this year. The pain lasted about a week after my surgery, and each day got better. I didn't experience the gas pains, like others with the surgery, just pains in mainly where the port was placed in my stomach. Everyone varies with this same surgery and everyone has different pain thresholds.
I will say that I have lost 90 lbs since my surgery and am absolutely thrilled with my progress and would do the surgery again in a heartbeat. Best wishes to you in your upcoming surgery, and your new journey to the losing side.
C. medor
on 12/22/06 10:38 pm
on 12/22/06 10:38 pm
Thanks Deb
For the reply I thought getting gas after the surgery was something everyone gets, But your right everyone is different and has different pain also That is so good you lost 90lbs. keep up the good work. I can't wait to lose 90lbs and more. Well I am counting down Jan 26th 2007 is my day!!!!!. Deb have a Merry Christmas and a safe New Years.