C. medor
on 12/15/06 1:59 am
on 12/15/06 1:59 am
I am so excited I went to the Dr on Mon and I have a date for the surgury. My new life will begin on 1/26/07. I am so so nervous I am thinking what happens if it don't work. Even though I follow all the instrustion. I am excited. On Jan 12th I will start my liquid diet for 14 days. I know I can hande that. I am glad I am having it after the holidays. I think that is will be great after the holidays, I can say at work that losing weight is my goal in 2007. I don't want nobody at work to know what I am doing to lose the weight. All my test turn'd out great. My Dr is such a sweetie. My primary Dr is something else. After I have my surgury I will be changing Doctor that is my primary Doctor.I do have HMOIL I can change facilty anytime during the year. Also changing hospitals. I did ask my daughter for a nice scale. I need a good scale to weight myself. My sister took pictures of me and then tells me this will be the before and after picture. I am so ready for this . I know I will get allot of support from this website. I want to do my personnal blog and make cute things that tell how much someone has lose and how much more they need to lose. Well I justed to let you guys knows I am also most there. Closer than closer.
C. medor
on 12/17/06 1:28 am
on 12/17/06 1:28 am
Thank you all for the great support, It means so much to me. Yes I am going to keep everyone posted on my new life. I am so looking forward to Jan 26th 2007. If I run into any trouble or need help you guys are going to see me all over the place asking questions to everyone. So please bare with me.
RNY on 04/04/12
I have been banded for 3 months and it was the best decision I have ever made. No regrets. Best of luck to you!
Congrats on the date! How exciting for you. I had do the whole liquid diet before i got the band too. Its not to bad after about the 4th day. During that time you will be like what did i get myself into but dont cheat just hang in there because the end it will all be worth it. Im over a year out and ive lost over 80 some pounds. Good luck!