elevated liver enzymes
Just got my 1 year blood work back and I need to have a follow up with my priamry care physicans because they said my liver enzymes were elevated is this common and does anyone know any reasons why and If there is medications or treatment.. I had heard about the high levels of protein being hard on your liver . Is this serious?
J Burkett
Hi Jerilyn, I can tell you one reason why liver enzymes can be elevated--it's called fatty liver, and many overweight people have/had it. It doesn't necessarily lead to problems, and many times it resolves with weight loss. Also, certain medications can cause liver enzymes to be elevated. You don't mention how elevated your enzymes are, perhaps they were more elevated in the past and have come down. Try not to make yourself nuts until you can get in to see your PCP. There may very well be a "not scarey" explanation. Linda