Well i was told a long time ago that i wouldnt be able to get pregnant,cause i was over weight,and my thyroids were really bad,and i couldnt get my periods to come regular.Well i got the weight off had surgery Sept 1,2005,and lost 120pds.For two weeks i was feeling worse then usually to my stomach,and went to visit my parents for Thanksgiving,and they said your pregnant and i said yea right whatever! lol
. Well on the way home me and my husband stopped and got the test to take home and low and behold i was pregnant.Still not believeing its true i went to the clinic,and it was true,and i have been to a OBGYN and had a altrsound done and seen the heart beat,and still cant believe it lol.I only pray now that everything goes well.BTW im 7 weeks 4 days This hold thing has been one wild ride i can tell you.