Want some Free Culture in Chicago?
My opera studio is holding our Winter Concert in Ravenswood next Sunday at 7pm.
We don't charge admission but the church who allows us to hold our concerts there does put out a "free will offering" basket at the door.. but we encourage people to attend in any event -- even if cash is tight..
I'm one of the performers and there are 7 or 8 other singers.. we perform arias, duets and scenes in english and other languages. Most of us are professional or semi-professional but we do this as a performance opportunity.
If you're interested in attending, drop me a private message and I'll get you the address.
Parking is free! The concerts usually last a little more than an hour .. sometimes two. Families are welcome (we have a member with a large, young family so there are kids who attend, too).
Maybe I'll see you next weekend!