Does anyone else have gas problems???
I have been having bad gas. I mean it is so bad my family can't even be around me. I haven't changed my diet at all. i am almost 15 mo. post op and i have lost 157lbs. I have surpassed my goal and have been at this wt. for about 3 mos. now. I just have this gas problem and now am to the point where i am almost afraid to go out of the house because i might have to fart. i have tried beano but it seamed to maybe make it worse. please help. Tami
Yes, still have it and I am 3+ years out. For me it definitely is goverened by what I eat. Garlic, carbs and spicy foods do a real number on me. I also find that I will not have any gas early in the morning but as the day wears on it will start to rear its nasty head. I try to stay away from those foods but sometimes I cannot resist. I have found that the gas eliminator types of OTC drugs really do not work that well. They just mask the smell and sometimes the farts end up smelling like the drug that I am taking, LOL. What I do is just excuse myself, go out and fart in the potty or elsewhere and come back. Don't confine yourself to the house.
Dear Tami
I've tried it all!!Beano,Charcoal tabs,Gas-X,and none of it makes ANY difference.I'm 2 years out(this month).There are things that make it WORSE.High sugar,High Fats(,things we're not supposed to eat,anyway!!).I've given up on trying to eliminate it,and just accepted this as part of the surgery.My family has grown to accept this as well.They still comment,but they know that it's just something that comes with my new digestive system.My youngest son gets gassy from eggs.My hubby gets gassy from cashews.Neither of them had surgery.We're just a gassy family
I try not to eat "BAD" foods,making it worse.If you find anything that works completely,please share with me!!
Take Care,
Paula RNY
Surgery 11/30/2004

I'll chime in.. or probably I'll just "toot" in.. because that's all I ever seem to do..
Yes, gas is a huge problem for me, too. I tell people I sometimes clear MYSELF out of a room with my gas. I believe that we're always going to have more gas -- or at least more potent gas.. simply by virtue of the fact that our intestines are doing more of the food breakdown than our stomach used to.. so what goes into our intestines is only partially absorbed, partially digested.. and it's going to decay/decompose in there.. and that stinks!! (literally).
I also believe that WHAT we eat will either make it worse or keep it the same.
Talk to your nutritionist. Mine was really good about getting us to talk about what might cause gas and how to alleviate it. Also, (and I know this is going to sound totally granola-hippy.. but anyway) go to a health food store.. Like Whole Foods or some local health food market. Usually the people there are REALLY knowledgeable about homeopathy and natural ways to alleviate things like flatulence.
I figure it's worth a try.
I would like to know, though.. does anyone have trouble with their gas and their clothes? I have a terrible time getting the odor out of my jeans sometimes.. I'd love some laundry tips if anyone has any..