Hi. I have been tryi...
Hi. I have been trying and trying to find a doctor in illinois , who accepts the illinois medical card. If there is anyone at all that reads this and can help. Please do so. My search has been 2yrs now. I was seeing doctor in champaign and just when i thought things was going to happen & i was going to get better he decided not to do anymore. Now im back -- starting all over.
Go down and view an older post that is titled " Need help finding a surgeon? by Tammie Weber. I think that I clicked view older posts twice. It was posted on October 5th. If you keep looking back through older posts this question comes up every week or so and someone has an answer for the poster.
I am just starting the WLS process, this is the only Dr that I have found in my area. I have not gotten to meet him yet. I am still waiting on a consult. There are a couple of people that I have talked to through this site that say hes great. My boss had to see him for a different matter about 6 months ago and she says I will really like him. Hope this info helps you out some. Feel free to contact me if I can help with anything else.
Uretz J. Oliphant MD FACS
Regular Member
Surgeries Performed:
Urbana IL USA
My husband has been seeing Dr. Roscheib at the Clinton Clinic also. However, he is having his surgery at Carle since it is closer to Charleston. I don't know if they take the medical card or not. But they are a really nice bunch there I am sure that if they do not that they can refer you to someone who does. Good Luck and Keep me posted.