Pregnant with low blood sugar
I am lost and need help. I am one year post op and 14 weeks pregnant. I had no problems after surgery or before becoming pregnant. Now that I am pregnant, my blood sugar keeps dropping no matter what I eat or how often. My ob/gyn thinks I am not eating enough. I had to quit my job because I have been eating every 1 1/2 hours and have no strength. My ob/gyn doesn't believe that I am eating often enough and says he is not worried about when my sugar drops, but preventing it from dropping. 45 minutes after eating dinner whi*****luded protein and sugar (natural sugar) my blood sugar dropped down to 42 and I had to eat a whole bowl of fruity pebbles to bring it back up. I have passed out on several occassions. My gastric bypass doc moved out of state so I don't know what to do. How do I regulate my sugar? Has anyone else had this problem?
Marie congrats on the pregnancy!!!
There's a post op pregnancy board, someone there might have more info for you..
First congratulations on your pregnancy and I hope things get easier for you as time goes on.
Second, eating refined sugars is not the way to keep your blood sugar up. It will make it peak and then crash and crash hard.
Go to Target or Walgreen's and bet yourself a bottel of "glucose tablets". These are fast acting and when you are having a low episode you chew up 4 of them and you'll be fine in a couple of minuets. I'm diabetic and use them when I need to. then try an oz or two of cheese. That's what I do to prevent another crash. Mine usually happen in the middle of the night and this way I can go back to bed and am OK till morning.
Now to keep your sugar consistant, eating every 3-4 hours is the key and the meal should be protein rich. Cut out the sugar! You can have fruits and veges but make sure you are getting in lots of protein. It takes longer for the body to digest the protein and it will help to keep your blood sugar level stable for a longer period of time.
I would recommend a visit with a nutitionist to help.
Good luck!
hi congrats i got pregnant 6 mo after surgery and had low blood sugar my doc made me go to a diabetes training and i would eat every 1 to 1/12 the best was peanutbutter and crackers because it was the carbs and the protien together that made my sugars stable because if you just eat something sugary ur sugars will drop really fast and u may pass out my doc also gave me glucose tablets and said to carry around animal crackers my sugars were about a 40 also and it lasted for about 2 mo after my daughter was born but comes and goes now.
good luck
One of the reasons this happens is that the baby is using your sugar. He/she will not start making his/her own sugar until well into the 2nd trimester, or somewhere around there. Then you'll have to start adjusting insulin (if you're insulin dependant) because the baby is making his/her own sugar and yours might go haywire for a while. As far as the hypoglycemic episodes, I'd stay away from natural sugar (white sugar) kills me every time, in the same time frame you're talking about (30-45 mins after eating) If this does happen, drink 8oz of oj with about 3 tsps of natural sugar...should boost you back up...then eat pb and graham crackers. This is what we do in the hospital for pts. If you're not up after that, time to call dr. Keep some oj with you esp when driving because you never know when low sugar is going to happen, esp during pregnancy and around this time of year when your activity level is higher (shopping, etc)
Best wishes!