checking in after a bit away~
hey there!~ Good to see you back on here. I dont post much on here, but I lurk at least 2 times a week. Talked to Dixie on Halloween.. I hadnt heard from her in forever she's getting closer to her surgery to it sounds. I'm happy for you guys! we'll all have to get together sometime before your surgeries and have a girls night out! I could SURE use one, let me tell you!!!
talk to you soon!
hey you!!!~ It's good to see ya on the board even if it is just every now and then
as far as a girl's night out it sounds like something we could all anyway, we need to set a time and see if it would work for all of us ...even if it's just getting together and having coffee and running our mouths for the

Im here too still well every now and then just like you Lora I been trying tog et with Ck,but we dont seem to be makeing it..Hey Ck when i come up Friday Coda and Brian is going to be with me might not be a good idea to met il never get a word in with them two ..lmao. Im gona call ya Dix .We are going to stay over my dads house for the nite and come home Saturday..Girls nite out sounds good,but not in my life time ..lmao Brian wont let He thinks everyone wants me lmao, and he has to be there to protect me all have a goodnite..Il talk soon...