I'm Home!!!!
Hello Everyone!
Thank you SOOOO much for all the good wishes and prayers.....they really helped.
Surgery was at 10:30 am on Friday, and I was home by 1:30 pm on Sunday. I could not come home on Saturday because I did not begin to pass gas until late in the day.
The surgeons say that everything went well.
I am feeling OK (consisdering it feels a little like being hit by a truck
). I am sip, sip sipping, and working on going SLOW. I get woozy and a bit of nausea, but I am not sure if it is from eating or the pain medicine. Today is a new day of experimentation!
I AM curious though.....once the gas started.....it has not really stopped, and I have a very vocal tummy area. Not painful or anything....just loud! Is this normal?
Thanks again for you help,

Congrats Dawn!! Glad all went well. Just remember you DID just have major surgery, although you may not be able to tell from the outside. Regarding the nausea ... basically, you need to keep your new tummy "lubed". You have to eat (drink protein, etc.) every 2-1/2 -3 hours ... if you don't, you will feel nauseated, and then when you finally do eat, you'll feel nauseated after that ... so, its best to keep up on it and just eat every 2-1/2 to 3 hours ... I know I practically lived on sugarfree popsicles and protein drinks (when I could tolerate them).
Do take things slow ... good luck with the gas, yeah ... you're not the only one with that issue!
Good to have you as an official "loser" ... best wishes to ya!
I live in Freeport and had Garren at U of W do my procedure in July of 05. I have lost 120+ pounds and had no problems. Follow the U of W post op instructions and you will do fine.
As for your tummy rumbling, mine still does it after all this time. think it is just part of the after effects.
if you need some help please email or look up my phone number in the freeport phone book and we can talk.