Went to Dr Meyers today
C. medor
on 10/30/06 8:49 am
on 10/30/06 8:49 am
Christine Bennett Nancey Stricker Karyn B Angela Warman
Hello I am so happy! I went to Dr Meyers my first office visit he is the surgeon who will be doing the lap band on me. He wrote all the Rx for all the test I have to have.
So I call my Dr and I faxed all the information to her. They will call me with all the referreals, Then I can get my test's done. Once all the test's are done. I will go back to him 2 weeks before the surgery, I need to go on a liquid diet for 14 days. I am so excited and happy. I was all depress this morning before I went to the Dr, I was thinking what if he said no or I was going to have trouble with the insurance co. So I thnk I am in the clear to go. I just can't wait So now my mission is to get all the test done. Once that is all done that's it. I am wondering if it will be during the holidays. I don't care if it is I am ready!!!!!
C. medor
on 10/31/06 5:08 am
on 10/31/06 5:08 am
Thank you I will keep you posted on all I have to do now to get it done. I am so so hype'd up. My family is so excited for me. Especially my Sister I love her so much. But yes I will keep you all posted Thanks again Karyn
I have just been waiting for someone to answer my post!