Need 6 month diet doc
I had my consultation with Dr. Boe in Belvidere, IL and the first thing my insurance company said was I have to be on a six month medically supervised diet. My family practice doc is not supportive at all of the surgery so she is fighting me tooth and nail and isn't wanting to put me on a six month diet unless I don't have the surgery-UGH!! Anyway, does anybody know a doctor in northern Illinois that they have worked with, who has put them on the six month diet and helped them get to the surgery part? I am willing to change my doctor to a new one if she is not willing to support me on this. I just want to find someone who will start me on the six month diet and work with me on the surgery. Thanks very much for your help!
I live in Sycamore/Dekalb. A drive, but may be worth it. My Dr. has a LOT of experience, and I only wish I had started out with him, or I'd have had my surgery a year ago. His name is Dr. Haab, and he is at the Dekalb Clinic, in Dekalb. He is an internist. He was a nurse at one time before becoming a Dr, so he is a very compassionate person. He will be willing to work closley with your surgeon. Most importantly though, he will support you in your decision to have WLS. Not all of them do. He wrote a lengthy letter to my insurance once I had made my required visits, not to mention they sent the detailed notes from each visits. If they don't take proper notes, you are only waisting your time, I learned that the hard way. I highly recommend him.
Dr Murdy is in Janesville, WI. He is who I did my 12 month with. That is not too far from you.