Surgery Date!
Congratulations on your date. I had surgery on 10/24/06, one week ago today. My pain was not that bad, it is more soreness than pain. I had prior abdominal surgery years ago which cut me open down the middle navel to pubic area. That hurt like hell. The lap procedure bloats you and makes you gassy, but stll the pain is minimal(in my opinion) Best wishes on your journey.
Mary, thank you! It's good to hear that the pain isn't that bad for some people. They will be giving me a morphine pump for two days so I shouldn't be that uncomfortable, lol. I'll be sent home with Vicodin as well so I should be covered on the pain front. I've had breast reduction surgery and that was just hell. I talked to one of my other doctors and after I told her about my breast reduction she confessed to me she had breast cancer and had a double mastectomy. She agreed the pain is hell because it's all of that tissue and skin that has been cut, the lapro is minimally invasive. I've had my gallbladder removed laproscopicaly and that too was more soreness than real pain. I guess it's just the nerves talking!
Thank you again for the congratulations. I can't wait to begin my new life. Congratulations to you on yours!
Best Wishes,