werent you scared?
i have been over weight my whole life-i would love to be thin.i know this surgery would be the best thing for me but the thought of them bypassing the stomach scares me to death.are there studies on long term affects of wls?i see everyone on this web site and they all look great and seem so much happier.what is the safest type of surgery?i have high blood pressure now and pre diabetic-i know this would help me
Hi Barbara -
I too have been overweight my whole life. I was not scared about having the surgery, I was excited at the opportunity to be healthy and happy. I was scared about what was going to happen w/ my health if I did not choose to have surgery. As you know, there are risks with any surgery. I had open gastric bypass on 8/30/06. I weighed in at my pre-op appointment at 404lbs. I've lost 52lbs. It's just been 5weeks and I feel fantastic. I have a long road ahead of me but I'm looking so forward to the journey. I have my life back. I've heard so many people say that they had the high blood pressure, the diabetes, the sleep apnea etc prior to surgery and after, all those co-morbidities are gone. Research, research, research. Check it out. It's not a quick fix. I have not regrets.
Best of luck to you.
hi Barbara ... hell ya I was scared! BUT ... I got to the point where I was more scared NOT to have the surgery. Sure, there are a lot of unknowns and I feel a bit like a pioneer, BUT, there were a lot of "knowns" had I kept the path I was going pre-surgery ... asthma getting worse, most likely diabetes, and I really couldn't imagine myself at 60.
I was 41 when I had my surgery (the first surgery of my life, so I was even more apprehensive), and although there have been some bumps, I would do it again. In a heartbeat.
I do know that some of my issues as a post-op (and most of them have crept up in the past year actually) are ... gallbladder that needs to come out, and right now I've been battling (and going through tests) for hypoglycemia and other related issues, which is believed to have caused at least one seizure ... and a weight gain ... YES, a 20 pound gain from my 15th month post-op through my 25th month post-op (in a 10 month period). Freaked me out ... BIG TIME. I don't know, maybe I was naive thinking I couldn't gain weight after surgery, or at least not that much that FAST. The entire YEAR prior to my surgery I hadn't gained a single pound, and I *know* I was eating much more than at any time post op. I believe this shock (and a few other non-WLS related events) has caused current eating issues, which I'm also trying to work on.
SO ... there will always be pros and cons ... you have to do what you know (or believe to be) is right for you. I think the best advice I can give you right now is:
1) you need a support group (or groups) ... as soon as I thought I "had it down" (15 months post-op), I stopped going to support groups, stopped weighing in, stopped seeing my nutritionist, stopped working out, and was shocked 10 months later at a gain.
2) good follow-up with a nutritionist and therapist ... a lot of issues can become uncovered as we shed our shells ... even if you don't go every week or every other week, I believe its very beneficial to follow-up periodically.
3) exercise ... start NOW. If you start to incorporate good habits now, and during the "honeymoon phase" just after surgery (12-18 months), it will be much easier to keep it going, rather than try to "get back to basics" after 2-3 years when you see weight creeping back on.
SO, just know that surgery doesn't cure everything and it will still take work ... hard work (I joke with my surgeon that they should do partial labotomies when they do this surgery) ... but it does give you a little head-start.
Take care, I wish you well ... please email me if you'd ever like to talk privately.
P.S. Whever I got REALLY stressed before surgery, I'd put on the song "Three Little Birds" by Bob Marley, and sing with it over and over again ... "every little thing ... gonna be all right" ...

Hi Barbara in Fox Lake,
I am having my surgery in less than a month. I can only speak for myself but I am not scared at all really. Like the other post....if I don't have the surgery I will for sure have even worse consequences due to my obesity. I have 3 personal friends (not online friends) that have had WLS, 2 had RNY & 1 had lap band. Only one had complications and come to find out after 1yr of trying to find out what her pain was...turns out she should've been taking an antacid every morning. Once she started that ritual the pains stopped. The other 2 had no problems really...the one RNY friend even had a baby 10mo after surgery (although very much frowned upon). I am lucky to have very little health problems considering my weight but I don't wanna wait around for them either. But I must say....i have problems bending over, i run out of breath all the time, i cannot walk long at all, i have trouble getting up on stools or getting out of low chairs, i sometimes don't go places due to the embarassment of limited movement, darn near impossible to find clothes...I can go on and on...even without the actual health issues there are so many ways my life will improve and I am confident it will. Keep your eyes open....alot of times people will be on here and only posting when there are problems and they get lots of great support but there are a ton of people who have had no problems whatsoever. Just the other day somebody posted and asked "How many of you had little or no complications?" and her post blew up.....she had like 80 responses in like 15 minutes....and most who did have complications said even though they had them they would never go back to being overweight. Today they know soo much more now and this website is an absolute GODSEND to patients and doctors as it is the actual patients who have worked together to make the journey easier!!
I have rambled on enough....
Jen in Richmond IL
I wasn't scared in the least,scared. yes of not having the surgery...I wanted to be here for my children and g-children...to have a life of non-dependency of others....
I have lost 53 #'s since July 19th,2006 and in a size 16 & I haven't regreted anything about this surgery.....it was a life saving experience, and I wouldn't change a thing I have done...other then I wish I have done it sooner.....
Actually, I wasn't scared in the least. I'd done my research, talked to countless post-ops both whom had no issues and those who had plenty of complications. I have to say that this is the best thing I have ever done for ME. I have lost 168 pounds and gained a whole new outlook on life. Now on the other hand, has it been easy? Well, the surgery and weight loss superficially have been simple. The mental aspect, conversely, has been somewhat trying. That's why it's a good idea to get yourself into a good support group and have plenty of support from friends/family. Do your own research -- go to consults with surgeons who do the lap-band, the RNY, the DS, research each procedure and see which, if any, of them is right for you. I knew that I wanted the RNY because of my eating habits and the kinds of foods that I overate on. It's different for each of us though. I wish you all the best in your pursuit!
Hey Cathy ... congrats on getting to this point! And I agree 100% ... the surgery WAS the easy part! I'd love to talk to you more about some of the issues you're dealing with (I haven't read your profile lately but will do so) ... I'm just wondering if there are similarities and if maybe we can help out one another.