Bun in the overn! where are my mitts?
ost Date: 10/4/06 4:02 pm
We have been actively trying to get pregnant again and tried last month...so I got a very faint line at 5am yesterday, went in and got
the blood draw and woohoo!!! I am 4 1/2 weeks pregnant and my prog.
level is good so far. they will check it again tomorrow and put me on
supplements if needed. (I did need them last time).
It looks like I am due june 11. I am only 2 weeks behind my sister and
8 weeks behind my sis in law. This is the second trifecta in our family... Sis in law had a son in Sep. 2004, I had Tripp in Jan 05, and sis had a girl in June of 05. We are even closer together this time.
I am so happy!!! I had lost a little weight recently and my appetite increased but so did my energy...that tells me my body is jumpstarting my metabolism again like it did with Tripp...I hope I can lose a few lbs in the first trimeter, but not too much, maybe 10-15 lbs...