surgical buddies
Hey everyone,
I hope everyone is feeling full and fine today. Just wanted to check in with an other 3 day post op people. Hit me up let me know how you are doing. I'm doing ok. I had rough gas yesterday though. I went to bed fairly late and to my surprise during the night I had rolled over on my stomach and apparently had been in that position for a while. I let out a little whimper and the hubby assisted with rolling me back to my side (I guess I'll keep him). I thought i would have heck to pay today for that, but I feel pretty good though. I am planning to drive today. Gotta run errands for the house-ya know nobody does it like me. Well like I said hit me back and let me know about your progress.
Checking in today (Sunday, 10/1). I have the same surgical date as you and I'm feeling well also. Today is my best day so far and I feel pretty awesome compared to the last few, and much better than I expected to feel right after surgery. I'm also down 20 pounds since beginning the pre-op liquid diet.
That is awesome. tomorrow will be day 8 post op. I've feel pretty good and more pain on the left now. Just under the breast. I hope this passes soon. How are you doing with the eating? How much are you eating at a time and how often. I'm truly learning to read my body all over again. I have sharp pains at times in the stomach area and I can't tell if its a hunger pain, gas or just healing. The morphine immediately following surgery was nice but I guess the side effects are finally wearing off. So far I've lost 11lbs preop. I weigh in tomorrow we will find out and I will post it.
I'm eating about 4 liquid ounces of food per meal, 3x/day. For the first week I did exactly what they did for me in the hospital (1 oz broth, 1 oz diet jell-o, 2 oz juice). I tolerated that pretty well. Today, since I am in the "full liquids" phase, I'm trying to figure out what and how much to eat. I'm just thrilled that I can eat a wider variety of foods. Had a little bit of thin Malt-o-meal for breakfast and I have been sipping on half a Light 'n Fit yogurt smoothie for a bit of protein as well.
I am dedicated to un-learning my old eating habits. As a youth I remember learning to overeat and to eat too fast. I'm putting some effort into learning to eat measured portions slowly. I hope I can make that last a lifetime.
Keep in touch, surgery buddy!