post op question
Hello Everyone I have been feeling tired alot my medical Dr did lab work and it came out normal well then I also see a dr for some depression and he looked at the results and said my B levals are down and iron so he said go see my medical Dr but she keeps saying they are fine well friday I ended up in the er cause ive had my period over a week and it was flowing hard then normal and still spotting plus I was having dizzy spells,nasua, weekness,and all the test came back normal there has have anyone felt like this after bypass and what should I do because i take all my viatiams plus after i eat i feel sick alot.
Hi Laurie ... I too feel sick most times after I eat (sometimes almost like a mini-dump after I eat ... and worse pains when I have solid foods). I found out (after a HIDAscan) that my gallbladder is dysfunctioning (but I don't actually have stones, and I thought it was the stones that caused the pain, but I mostly just feel the pain after I eat and then nauseated and bloated for about 3 hours).
I also found out (after a glucose tolerance test last Monday ... NOTE: gastric bypass people -- do not do this test) that I may be hypoglycemic, which actually may have caused one definite seizure (paramedics checked my blood sugar level at 23) and possibly another (paramedics did NOT check my blood sugar level at that time).
You should have someone else take a look at your vitamin levels. Have you checked out the Yahoo Grads list (you must be at least one year out to join this list)? Once you "join" (by sending an "intro" email to the moderators then the group), you can post your question and even your labs, and there are some VERY knowledgeable people out there who can give you better advice than I can.
Try this link (let me know if it doesn't work):
Good luck to you ... please keep us posted, and I'll look for you on the Grads list!