obesity sensitivity in personal trainers
I am taking a class in personal training and am going to be doing a presentation for the class on obesity sensitivity and predjudices and the effect on the person when they encounter such when they are trying to lose weight or get started on a workout. I encountered a really stupid trainer who asked me why woyuld insurance pay for gastric bypass when it was only for cosmetic purposes. (130 extra pounds and a personal trainer thought that would only be cosmetic???? i got a different trainer who had a little better understanding od the situation)
I also will be talking about the differences in how people treat me/us after we lose weight.
Any input or personal story you can share would be very heplful. I want to do a kick a$$ presentation that will make a lasting impression on these future trainers who will at some point work with other obese people and hopefully give them something they can use to treat us with dignity and respect.