Need WLS Dr near Charleston Il "Medicaid"
Hello! Long time! I am a little over 3 years post op! Doing well! Who would ever have thought this 300 lb fat girl would buy a motorcycle! Yes I did! Its a small one, red, Honda 150 cc! Hay now that I had wls and am at goal I have the nerve to follow my dreams!
Ok Here's my problem I met a women today who lives in Charleston IL Near Effington Il about 140 miles from St Louis Mo on the Il side. She has been looking for a wls Dr who takes Il Medicaid. Can anyone give me any names or phone numbers to give her?
I am trying to look them up on this sight but its taking forever! Most of the numbers are disconnected ect... Can anyone email me?? I need approved wls Medicaid Dr's near Charleston Il! Thank YOU all! See ya lighter! 3 yrs post op -140lbs. Cyndi
I am from Charleston. I would call the Illinois Department of Public Health on State Street that should be able to provide you with a complete list. If that doesn't work call the Coles County Health Department on 18th Street. If she has a Charleston phone book they will be in the front of the phone book with all of the government agencies. I hope that this helps!!!
I am originally from Charleston Il but I currently live in Fairfiel Il about an hour away. I had surgery done at the University Chicgo Hospitals. They accept Illinois Medicaid that is was I went through to have mine. There is a Doctor by the name of John Alverdy ( my surgeon) he is one of the best. I had ZERO complications with him. He is here on the site. Go under Bariatric Surgeons. He also has Hugness and Prachan as his other two doctors. Hope that helped.
Brenda B.