Sweet Urges
I am 2 years post op and loving every minute.I lost 180 lbs. However, I now seem to be able to eat a little more ( but still small portions so this does not worry me) but I crave sweets again. I seem to be popping a cookie or candy into my mouth and I am scared. I seem to have no will power, and am scared of putting weight back on. have gained 4 lbs. but can not seem to stop the urge. I am hungry more often and do not know what to eat. Please help NOW !! Please give me some support and some help!
OK ... the obvious answer: "don't put the cookie or candy into your mouth!" ... BUT, I know better. Actually, carbs make you crave more carbs, so the more you eat, the more you want.
I have never "intentionally" tested myself with sugar, only because I'm afraid I WON'T dump, and get back into that pattern (and I don't want to become immune to sugar which I believe you can ... although I have heard some people say you can re-set your dump-o-meter). I do, however, indulge in a piece of sugar-free chocolate or cookie occasionally, HOWEVER, you can still over-do it on that (although there may be repercussions on that). The SF foods usually satisfy the "sweet" craving for me.
I think a lot of us are also experiencing the ability to eat more, and we get a little freaked out. I had a 20 pound weight gain in a 10 month period (from 15-25 months out) ... and that freaked me out big time. I think its great you caught yourself at this point and are trying to do something about it. (BTW ... kudos on the 180 pounds gone ... that's about what I've lost too!)
Can you throw an extra protein shake or bar into your day? Do you track/journal your food (I'd recommend sparkpeople.com or fitday.com)? I know everyone seems to say this, but maybe you can "go back to the basics"?
You might want to also check the WLS grads board, several others are at this point as well.