8-) Hi! Newbie with a few questions...
Hello all! My name is Michelle and I just found this site tonight. I am in the process of the pre-screening/testing for lap band surgery. My testing is scattered throughout September and with the time lines I've been given, I'm hoping I can get surgery scheduled by mid-Oct. Dont know how realistic that is...This looks like a great place to get support and I had some questions. Main one on my mind now is about exercising post surgery. I know I cant do anything heavy right away but after a while, are there any restricitions that remain? For example, I have always fantasized about running a marathon. Would that still be possible with the restricition of the band? Thanks!
I participated in my first marathon this last April. I mostly power walked it BUT I finished that thing. As far as exercising PO this is a question for your doctor. For me (I had open RNY) I was to do cardio for the first three months. When I went for my 3 month followup is when I was told to start weights.
Where are you having the lap-band done at? For the first 6 weeks after surgery you are not allowed to lift anything heavy and they just recommend walking and taking it easy but after that i say go for it. Just start out slow and work your way up. Nothing should stop you after those 6 weeks are up. Any more questions feel free to ask. Im almost a year out.
Hey, thanks for the information. I am planning to have the surgery at Loyola. I have only had the initial consultation with Dr. Shayani but all my pre-testing stuff is scheduled through September. My understanding with others at my job who have gone to him advise that the insurance takes about 2 weeks to be approved and the surgery about 2 weeks to be scheduled, so I am hoping to get the surgery by end of October. My 29th bday is Oct 28th so I am hoping that I get the surgery now and can have my 30th bday as a whole new person. :party: