Ft. Lauderdale & Pictures
First, I would like to thank Dr. Freeman for giving me my life back! I could have never done this three years ago. I am also grateful that I have a job that I can honestly say that I LOVE! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve in the bariatric field!
The trip was just wonderful! The OH Conference was great! Paula did an outstanding job at organizing everything. I was trying to decide on what my favorite part was and it was just to hard to decide. Dr. Shuster was fabulous! I think when there is a surgeon present such as this we need to maybe seperate the group into those who have had some plastics and the ones that are just starting plastics so that each can have their needs addressed. Lauralynn was fabulouse as usual! I so enjoyed spending the evening with her! I told my family you said I resemble Snow White!!!
You are just too sweet! I really enjoyed the dietician! She KNOWS her stuff! I could have listened to her all day! Maybe next year she could have more speaking time. I would like to learn more about those of us who are out three years and more, about our dietary needs. Monica, of course, had us in tears with her presentation! She looks fabulous!
If you have never attended and OH conference, I would highly encourage you to try your best to attend one in the near future! You walk away feeling energized! I walked away with so many ideas for my support group and a boat load of information to share! I cannot say enough good thinks about the conference! I am looking forward to October, going to Lexington! Mark your calendars now!!! If interested, we can take a van or carpool up! The conference is October 28-29. We would leave early Friday and come back home on Sunday evening! It is only 6 hours from my home here in Jacksonville.
Charlie, Betsy and Kathy, gosh; it was great getting to spend such quality time with you all. It is always a joy to make new friends. It was if we had known each other forever! Charlie, you are not the only one that gets lost in a parking lot!!! 
I was driving in circles at IHOP looking for it and was right there! I look forward to spending time with you all in Lexington! Make plans now to attend!!!
Gail, Becky; you two are a hoot! It was great hanging out with you all and getting to know you better. What memories we have made!!!! Gail, you touched my heart, I plan on making a post with that!
Carmen, I know God put you in my path. I needed to get away and Mike was NOT going to allow me to go alone! I am so thankful that you agreed to go. I can't remember when I have laughed so hard!! My jaws are still sore! Brother, since you were not there we HAD to call and share the joy with you! This has been a weekend that I will never forget! I can't wait until October!
Below is a link to my pictures! I hope you all enjoy looking at them as much as we enjoyed taking them. Sorry this is long, I tried not to talk too much!!!
Love to all!
Becky aka Lucy