Help is needed from everyone here
I am pretty old these days to this board here but have a newby that really needs everyone's help. She has been trying to get appoved for surgery but can't find a surgeon. She has IDPA, can you please give me a list of what surgeons are accepting it right now.
Thanks for all your help.
From what I have been hearing not many are taking public aid anymore but I know mine does. I had surgery on 6/23, here is the info I sent to someone else a while ago:
First I contacted UofC and was told to sign up at remedymd you do have to enter credit card info and agree that after surgery to pay 125 bucks for the web service. Then contact them and go to an informational meeting. After that you can schedule your psych, nutrional and surgical consults(all on same day in same room!) When you go in it goes really smooth, they do a general physical and determine what testing you will need. I was told I needed a sleep study, pap smear(been almost 2 years), and some bloodwork. after that you meet your surgeon and he talks to you and recommends what he thinks you should have. Now I have noticed that they seem to almost always recommend the DS(duodenal switch). I was dead set on lap RNY and thats what I am having lol. After that meeting they will tell you that they will all meet and discuss and decide wether you area good candidate. You will get a call within 2 weeks telling you wether or not you are accepted into the program. Then you will get papers in the mail a copy of the letter to your primary dr asking them to order whatever tests they require, a copy of the letter to medicaid, and a letter to you explaining that once all these tests are complete that they will call you with a date. You also get a copy of the 10 day preop diet to shrink your liver. Here is the link for remedy md, you can sign up there:
Then call 773-834-8900 and select option 6. You will get her voicemail leave a message stating that you signed up online and would like to attend the next informational meeting. It might take a couple days but she will call you back and tell you a date and time, they are held on the 2nd and 3rd tuesday of the month from 8am -10:30am and also the 4th Tuesday of every month from 4pm-6:30pm. For directions go to:
If you need anything else feel free to email me or yahoo message me pookykitty2001.