Hey everybody! Just wondering what others have experienced w/ BC/BS while applying for approval...I'm 10 months into the 12 month medically supervised wt. loss attempt. Has anyone had success with a particular customer service rep...and possibly be willing to disclose their name and ext #?
Any help will be greatly appreciated!!
Thanks so much!!
Hi Jessica,
I also had BCBS of Illinois PPO...and was denied 3 times. After doing the 12 month supervised diet, seeing a psychologist 8 times, a dietician 10 times, following an exericise program at home..I was denied. I kept a monthly log. I had letters from my doctor, the psychologist, dietician, OB/GYN and eye doctor ( had laser for diabetic retinaopathy)..I was still denied becoz the doctor did not write personal notes nor initialed my monthly log. I actually saw the doctor about 6 times thru out the year. But I went and weighed in every month..making notations and discussing with the nurses what was going on.
Bottom line...they refused..so I had to self pay for my lap band.
My lap band doctor office gals told me they get maybe 1 person approved for every 100 BCBS patients.
I wish you better results that what I was able to obtain.
BTW...all the reps I talked to were very nice...VERY nice..and when I told the last one about how I was upset with the "unwritten "rules...he said he understood, and it was hard for the reps to get the "higher ups" to be more informative. No where in my instructions for the 12 mo superivised diet..did it ever say I HAD to meet with the doctor each month and that he had to make personal notations.
Good Luck!
I have bc/bs ppo. I was approved right away. I do know that the rules have changed, and insurance co's. are making people wait longer. My husbands union made the decision to cover my surgery. As long as your policy doesn't have a exclusion, your surgery should be covered. Lastly, shouldn't your dr's office be on top of this, dealing with bc/bs?? Dr's get a lot further than patients with ins. co's.
Good luck, stay strong
Deb M.