Today is a bad day. I have been crying so much that It took me a long time to get signed onto the net. I need to turn to you all again, but now it is for my Grandpa.
My Grandpa Earl is my maturnal Grandfather. He is 84 years old. He and my Nana raised me part of my life and I am very close to them. They recently just left my town to make their last trip to Las Vegas. My Grandpa had fallen on hard cement and broke his hip I am told. He has to have surgery. He is at a hospital in Las Vegas called Mountain View Hospital. My Grandpa's PCP here in Chelan had told him a few months back that he has a leaking heart valve and if there were to do surgery that it my be too much for him and he may not make it. I am so very worried that I may lose my Grandpa. I don't even have money to go be with him. I fear I may not see him again. I am trying to stay positive. I just can't stop crying about him. He will have to stay in a convalescent hospital for 6-8 weeks. He is so far away from home. All I can do is pray my heart out and turn to everyone at OH for theirs prayers.
My Nana (grandmother) was stepping out of the elevator at the hospital and stubbed her bad toe bad enough that now she is in the emergency room there getting checked out.
PLEASE, PLEASE pray for them.
I hope many people are reading this. Please send to others you know, churches, anyone. We need your prayers.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Debbie Davidson
Debbie you have my prayers, I will pray for you and the family and never doubt the LORD, he will always prevail. Yuo claim the life of your Grandpa and nothing else he will be here 20 more years and healty. For your Nana I will pray for her as well and she will be just fine, they will wrap up her toe and as long as she gts her rest it will heal just fine.
We'll all pray for you and your family.
Hello Debbie
you are an exceptional young lady to understand the need for prayers and the power of prayers. I now pray to our Lord and savior for both your grandparents. I pray for healing to take place, complete healing and also for God to send angles to protect them from any further harm. The good-book says to believe and receive. God bless your day.
banded buddie coke