Mercy Hospital - Chicago
Hello, I'm new to OH. Ive just been refered to Mercy in chicago for the lap band surgery. Its seems like their the only one in the state that still accepts medicaid. Has anyone had surgery through them? Any feedback about the initial process or surgery would be appreciated. Ive called them a couple of times and gotten a voicemal. No call back yet. I hope this isnt an indication of their service. I went through the year long process with Shayani at loyola and when I finally got a date.....I was canceled because they stopped taking medicaid :mad: Needles to say I'm a bit discouraged. Any heads up would be appreciated. Thankya
I didnt go through Mercy but,however did go to the University of Illinois at Chicago Hosp...I had a open on the 19th of July....Is this what you want a lap-band ? I'm not sure they do them there but its worth a try ....I did my first consultation with my doctor last Nov 17th and as I mentioned above it was approved May 36 and surgery 19th maybe look into this hosp and see if any of the doctors there does the lap-band....g'luck hun...
[email protected] this is his email....his name is Dr.Vitello ...# is :
fax 312-355-1987
Hope this helps.g'luck
on 8/5/06 8:31 pm - Ellis, IL
on 8/5/06 8:31 pm - Ellis, IL
Hello, I am new to this site as well. I understand your frustration. I was scheduled in January '03 for RNY and it was cancelled. The company I worked for was contracted in to do a state job. Well, when the contract was purchased by another company, their insurance took over and conveniently, they didn't offer any weight loss surgery. I am just now scheduled for a lapband at the end of this month. It has been a long hard process getting insurance to cover it. I'll be more excited when it's done and paid for. Then I'll be a believer. Just a thought... I was making plans to go to Mexico to have the lapband done when my local surgeon called. I would have had to pay out of pocket, but the total price for the surgery is $10,600 and that includes 5 days in Mexico. Dr. Rumbaut is one of the leading surgeons on lapbanding. He had the procedure done 10 years ago and has dedicated his practice to obesity. He has taught several American doctors how to do the lapband procedure. If I had the cash, I would go there in a heartbeat over my local surgeon. Like I said, just a thought. It doesn't hurt to be informed on all the possibilities. He has his own message board on O.H. if your interested. Wherever you go, I wish you success.